Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pictures from Mesa Verde and the San Juan

Created with flickr slideshow from softsea.

the San Juan below Navajo Dam

I had the great experience of fishing the San Juan River this month, having been on a job in the area.  My day started with a visit to Mesa Verde National Park, which I highly recommend.  There you can view and even tour the ancient Anazasi Cliff Dwellings...over 600 exist in the park.  Amazing, and interesting.  After the hour and a half drive to the Navajo Dam, I visited a couple of the local fly shops, both very helpful.  I paid my parking fee ($5) and trekked to the water.  I found the river in March to be somewhat high, but not bad.  It is a large river, and I am most comfy in small streams.  I found myself at a disadvantage, because of the high flow, and no rising fish.  This forced me to nymph, not my strong suit.  There were several boats on the river, and some were landing fish, mostly 14 - 18", very nice.  The San Juan is known for having lunkers, but I didn't meet any of them.    The rive is a bit challenging to wade, because of the prolific algae, but worth it.  The scenery is beautiful, and I hope to return someday.  keep the rod bent...

Tip of the week, last

Do you wonder, sometimes, if your indicator is spooking the fish? Try a large foam bug, like a hopper, instead of an indicator. Odds are good the trout will see it as just another bug in the water, and who knows, they might take it! I have also switched to using just white indicators in very clear water, because it looks more like just some more foam on the water.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

the San Juan River experience

I fished the San Juan in northern New Mexico recently, and will blog about it this week.  Here's a pic:

Fishing in trout parks...

My grandson and I visited the last two Missouri trout parks we hadn't fished this weekend, and learned some lessons.  1. Be there first light, because those that are get the hungry trout..those that are late don't.  2.  Check the calendar...don't go on a day when they have a trout-fishing contest.  Everyone in the freakin' state is there!  I can't stand fishing 'elbow to elbow'.  We had a wonderful time, anyway...I managed to land two nice rainbows in spite of my scheduling and the crowd.  Take a kid teaches them (and you) patience, respect for others, and the beauty of nature.  keep your rod bent...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Fishing in new places.

People often comment that I am so lucky that I get to fish all over the country, and I am. is not as hard as it seems, and not even all that expensive.  Airfare tickets, bought far in advance, can be less than $200 roundtrip, to just about anywhere, if you play your cards right.  There are cheep hotels to be found everywhere- all you need is a bed, right?  Plus, rental cars, the off-brand ones, are often only $20/day.  Don't take the insurance, just use a VISA card, it and your personal liability insurance will cover damages, should they occur.  OK, what do you take?  Waders, boots, vest, rod, reel...the bare essentials.  Pack 'em in a duffel bag, and carry the rod on in a tube.  Just be sure to put knives and such in your checked bags.  If you go to the state websites, or do a google search on access points near your destination, you'll always find a place to fish.  My fav is to call a local fly shop and ask.  They are always great about directing me to a good spot.  Just be sure to stop by and buy a fly or two, or something to support the local shop that helps you out.    keep your rod bent...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Small pleasures in fly fishing

One of the things I like best about fly fishing, and in fact, fishing in general, is the friends and associations I make.  For example, just this week, I've made two new friends, one I may fish with, the other I may never see again, but enjoyed the brief encounter.  In the airport, a fellow, Darren, noticed my 'zero limit' sticker on my laptop, and asked about my fishing.  As it turns out, I travel regularly to the area where he lives, Cleveland, and like to to chase steelhead there.  We had several nice conversations, and shared places to fish, both in Cleveland and Missouri, where I fish a lot.  I think there's a good chance we'll fish together someday...I'd like that.  Today, while out and about checking out fishing spots (rivers blown out), I spoke with a fellow angler that turned me on to two more spots for me to try in the area.  Sharing information is what its all about, my friends.  No man is an island, so they say.  Relationships drive even our fun times.  Get to know more people...and keep your rod bent.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The State list of fishing websites is on FlyIguana!

See the resources section on the right for links to all the US state fishing department websites.  When you are preparing to go somewhere you haven't fished before, it is a good idea to view the regulations and reports from the specific state.  Many of them allow you to purchase licenses from the website also.  keep the rod bent!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Travelling fly fishers resource coming soon!

A very useful tool, as I travel the US, has been the state fish and wildlife website for the area where I am planning to fish.  I am compiling a list of the links to all the state departments, and hope to post that soon in my resource section.  Watch for it on facebook and twitter.   keep the rod bent.....flyiguana